We have all experienced really good, average and poor customer service at some point in our lives. Whether its people being rude, not delivering on what they said they would or simply getting it wrong. All of these things frustrate customers and they typically share their bad experiences with whoever will listen.

We also know that when we received great service it’s quite often the simple things that count such as a smile, pleasant tone , using a customers name/title, being clear on what the customer wants and actually delivering on their expectations. This is simply getting the basics right. Yet so many companies are still struggling with this. Well I can help.

I have 18 years experience in the sales and service space where I have had access to insights on what customers value. I have put programmes in place to help ensure consistent customer experience at every interaction, leaving customers satisfied and delighted at the experience that they have received.

It really comes down to the people who work for the company being clear on what is expected and having the skills and knowledge to put this into practice. This is where I come in.

I provide facilitated face to face customer service training. Whether you serve customers or plan to serve customers I have the course that will give you the confidence to provide the best service.

My approach really focusses on giving attendees the basic skills they need to provide a very specific standard of service. One where customers feel valued and remember their interaction with you and the business you represent. We want them to be so impressed that they are compelled to share this with friends and familiy.

The emphasis is on skills practice. If you want a 20 page manual with pictures and theory - then this is not for you. If you want to have significant skills practice to apply back on the the phone, in the office or shop you work at then this course is definitely for you.

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Purpose of the course:

The purpose of the session is to equip attendees with some of the essential customer service skills they can learn to apply in their roles, whether they are phone based or face to face. The course is applicable to any industry you may work in. If you own or work for a business that works with customers, then this course will apply to you.

Content of course:

  • Customer greeting - how we connect with customers and make them feel valued every time we interact with them.

  • Establishing rapport - use of name, verbal nods and body language.

  • Courtesy and etiquette.

  • Make sure we know what the customer is asking for - focussing on open ended questions.

  • Giving the customer what they need - ensure we get these basics right.

  • Ensuring a customer is clear on what’s next - let the customer leave with clear expectations.

  • Importance of delivering on set expectations.

  • Positive language - staying connected with the customer and avoiding common negative language pit falls

  • Dealing with difficult customers - the art of listening and resolving.

Target Audience:

  • Business owners and staff in all industries. Do you serve customers? Then this course is for you.

  • Do you intend to serve customers? Then this course is for you.

  • Are you in school, University or returning to the workforce and plan to serve customers? Then this course is for you.

Success looks like:

  • Being confident in providing a consistent standard of customer service.

  • Building a reputation for doing what you say you will do.

  • Known for getting things right the first time.

  • Customers feeling they are valued and important.

  • Staff feeling they have the skills to do their job to best of their ability.

  • You feel confident and satisfied that you have done your job well.


  • Three and a half hours.

  • Cost: $85.00 per person.

  • We do require a minimum of 8 attendees per session.